Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Out of my mind.........

Seriously...... is it really May 20th? I thought April whizzed by but this is ridiculous...... I feel like I'm running as fast as I can. Life is passing before my eyes, but for sure it isn't boring. I have been very busy working on new projects for Paper Tales..... just did the Sew book last night and next week is the Tea book. Then the first week in June...... a Mini Graduation folding book. Also a folder.... Junk, with an inside pocket and message type board. Finally I do have pictures to post. I have several new books in the works, well rolling around in my head. Ice Cream, Birthday Book, Train....just to name a few. Don't forget to come into Paper Tail and check out all the classes.
We have also been very busy helping out Kim with the boys. They will be spending the night this weekend........ so lots of fun ahead. Kim & Steve put an offer in on a home but won't know for a bit for sure if they have it...... Its a short waiting for the bank to okay the sale. Very exciting....even if it is a little bit further away. It's a great location, schools, and the house is in great shape.
Last Friday I went to Memories Manor, St. Clair, MI, for a scrap book weekend. It was FABULOUS!! The Victorian House was wonderful, the food, the setting, the rooms, the service, the food, the beds, the food, oh did I mention the food? I was with a group from Paper years weekend is already in the works. Here is the website..... Check it out!
Off to play.......


Laura Vigliarolo said...

I was begining to think this thing was broken, it had been so long

Anonymous said...

the food, did you mention that. i sure had a hard time getting the appetizers and snacks!!!