Thursday, November 20, 2008

Well (S***) Bummer......

My alone time is ending...... Neil is on his way home from hunting. The snow is chasing him home. But I do have a class tonight! Cookies here I come. I'm even planning on being good....... to a point. Going to eat dinner before I go so I won't be so tempted to eat to many cookiessssssss. I also was going to have all my scrapping stuff cleaned up before he got home..... oh well to late now.

My brusing is better but still there as I was reminded last night. OUCH! This to shall pass.

I babysat yesterday. Sure was nice but very very tiring. I was able to have lunch at the school with Forrest and Graham. It was a party. Lots of fun especially sitting in the small small small chairs. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get up out of it. LOL
Off to class.......

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