Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, Monday

Yes I survived the holiday weekend..... first Thanksgiving. We had a very nice dinner and the kids were so funny as usual. Then I did the all day Black Friday crop...... had a ball. Not to sure just how much I got done but it was worth the lack of sleep just to see Laura hobbling around. I do hope shes feeling much better. Really I do.

Saturday the boys came over and spent the night...... we had a good time. After dinner went for a short walk to see our Christmas lights and a few of the neighbors. They loved that. They slept in the next morning......fooled me. I was up at 7 all ready for them. They were happy to see Mom & Dad arrive later in the morning. It is getting much easier as they get older. Thank goodness.

Then I went shopping....... the hard core.....Toys R us. I do believe I am done shopping for the boys...... maybe a few stocking stuffer things. Now just have to do the rest. Also have to start decorating soon or before I know it Christmas will be here.

Off to make turkey soup.

1 comment:

Laura Vigliarolo said...

Glad I could make your Friday a little brighter.